Club History
Toowoomba’s first Dog Obedience class was held on Sunday, July 24, 1966, at “Torrington” on the Western Highway under the auspices of the Darling Downs Kennel Club, and, to quote to local newspaper report, “The response was most gratifying.” Many spectators were present, and 37 dogs took part in the actual training under 2 R.A.A.F. instructors. Many breeds were represented, from the tall Borzoi to the tiny, long-haired Miniature Dachshund.
A few days later, the Kennel Club called a special meeting to discuss the forming of an Obedience Club in Toowoomba. After a second training session at “Torrington” on July 31, 1966, the suggestion was put forth. 20 people responded in favour and the club was formed.
The first club meeting took place on August 12, 1966, at the Civic Centre, Little Street, Toowoomba, with 29 people present and 2 apologies.
At this time only 3 other Dog Obedience Clubs were operating in Queensland, 2 in Brisbane and 1 in Ipswich.
Membership fees were $1.00 single, $1.50 double, Juniors 14 – 17 $0.75 and under 14 $0.50. Class fees were $0.10 per dog for members and $0.20 for non members.
Since this time our location may have changed, our fees may have changed, but our commitment to our dogs and their training has not.
Who we are.
Toowoomba Dog Obedience Club (TDOC) is a group of people, affiliated with the CCCQ and ANKC, who love our dogs. We work with, train and trial our dogs with many of them holding multiple titles across many fields including Obedience, Rally O, Agility, Jumpers, Dancing with Dogs and Tracking.
All our trainers are volunteers who have years of experience in the dog obedience field, and we want to share that experience with you.

What we do.
We teach you to teach your dog. We will help you to become a team and work together happily and effectively. We use positive reinforcement (treats and praise) to create and foster a fun working relationship between you and your dog. We don’t practice outdated and cruel techniques such as dominance to train our dogs.
Where we are.
Toowoomba Dog Obedience Club is located at Norman Park, on the corner of Hursley Rd and Tor St, Toowoomba, QLD 4350. Prospective new members are encouraged to come down and observe at any of our sessions or events. We are happy to answer any questions about our club and methods that you may have, but ask kindly that you don’t bring your dog along to sessions that you are not participating in.
When are classes?
We run General Obedience classes from Levels 1 to 5 on Tuesday nights at 6.30 pm, from January to November. Bookings are essential. To book please call our enquiries officer on (07) 4633 2241.
Trial Obedience classes are offered on Thursday from 6.30 pm all year round.
Agility classes are also available. Please see Margaret on a Tuesday for all Agility class enquiries.
Class one: $50
Class fees are $5.00 per dog per lesson for classes 2,3,4 & 5.