
You can download our information sheet which will provide you with more information about how and when we hold our lessons. To view click on the following link:


The following list gives an idea of the type of items taught during dog obedience training at Toowoomba Dog Obedience Club. Every class is different though, as is every instructor, and we all move at different paces and like to use different exercises. You (and your dog) will find this training equally challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding.


Class one: $50

Class fees are $5.00 per dog, per lesson for classes 2,3,4 & 5.

Class One

Class one typically involves a lot of socialization and teaching the dogs our marker word; “YES”. We will also teach you the beginnings of heel work, and the commands sit, drop and stand. Stay, touch, sit for a pat, on your mat and focus are also part of the level 1 curriculum.  Class 1 is done seated in a circle of 10 handlers to reduce the amount of movement and therefor reduce the amount of distraction to our new dogs.

Class Two

Class Two is all about building on the behaviors we have taught our dogs in level 1, only this time we are walking around – not sitting on a chair. Level 2 is a lot of loose leash walking (Heeling), whilst doing the Sit, Drop, Stand commands. We start on short recalls and continue our practice on sit stays and sit for a pat.

Class Three

Class Three concentrates more on making your dog steady. We introduce the figure 8 on lead, the 1 minute sit stay and the 3 minute down stay. We will also extend the recall, and begin the stand for exam.

Class Four

Class Four begins off lead work, which involves all of the skills taught in previous levels, but with no lead.

Class Five

Class Five involves more off lead work, with a greater number of distractions present, and at a greater distance. Many dogs in Class Five are also in training to participate in trials.

The last Tuesday of the month in Class Five is devoted to Rally O training, which teaches new tricks and techniques used to trial in this event.


If you are interested to learn more about the training offered here at Toowoomba Dog Obedience club, then feel free to contact us or just come down to observe one of our sessions.

Our Instructors

Keith McGinn

Darlene Tierney


Lee Ann

Teegan Murray

Charlotte Bull

Kevin Blake

Keeley Rigby


Margaret – Agility


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